Christian Education for All Ages
From Godly Play for little ones, to weekly adult discussion and spiritual practice groups, we are always learning and growing in our faith as a community. For further information, use our contact form.
godly play
For elementary-aged children, this program is Montessori-based and encourages wonder, play, and learning focused on Bible stories. Meets at 9:00am on Sundays in the Parish House furing the service, and re-joins worship for Communion. Runs during the school year (September through May).
To learn more about Godly Play, click here.
rite 13
Discussion, reflection, special gatherings, and fun activities focused on enabling middle school-aged kids and teens to engage questions of faith and life. Rite 13 members can also serve as acolytes. Meets at 11:00am every other Sunday on the second floor of St. Andrew’s House.
adult Groups and Forums
We have new adult groups always forming! We share discussion, learning, and reflection on how we live our faith. Topics vary and can include guest speakers, lessons that work in conjunction with liturgy, and fun activities like poetry readings or our annual “Church of Baseball” celebration. Small groups meet every day of the week, and we often hold hybrid forums after the 9am church service on Sundays that you can attend in-person or online. Click here to learn more about our Alpha Course.